In a constant state of chaos!!

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Free!! Free!! Free!!

Catchy keyword huh?!?! I know .... expecially for indians ;-) hehehe

Heard of use and throw?? well here's a new concept that explains a system of use and give away and for the receiver its totally free...

Nope, not Recycle...its called FREECYCLE :-)
Everyones in the habit of storing up stuff you are done with and eventually throwing it away when realization dawns that its useless!!! According to the freecycle system, you give away stuff to people who need them or are searching for them. A sort of barter system and when you are in need of an item search for it using the same system.

Its already very popular in the west.. slowly and steadily picking up pace in India...see if u can help others and yourself too on the way....

Join in : (there are city based yahoo groups)

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